Hints that you are being pro at wasting time

Wasting time is an art but you should not be the artist this time.

Let us quickly see if you are wasting time and ruining your life.

Comparing your life with others 

The moment we compare our lives with someone else, we are actually wasting time and, disrespecting ourselves. And when we start disrespecting our own selves, we start to lose confidence. We constantly compare our material things with others, our marriage or relationship status with others, our income with others, our physical features with others. However, in reality, it is a complete waste of your energy and time.

You are wasting time, if you are constantly comparing yourself with others. You need to understand that the timeline for success, marriage or relationship is different for everyone. The moment you understand that whatever you have is enough to achieve what you want, you set yourself free.

You need stop looking at other people and start working on the life that you want to manifest.

Read this if your are overthinking

Read this and know you should not give up

Drinking and smoking to socialize or to impress people 

A lot of people do that and it is really sad, especially the young lads trying to look cool. Just take a minute and think, you are ruining your precious health and for what, to impress others or to socialize. Remember, you are getting intoxicated and having fun at the cost of tomorrow’s health.

Remember, the great boxer Muhammad Ali, he was a great champion and invincible at one point of time. He took many shots on his head during his fighting career and ultimately, he faced with deadly a disease called “parking”. During his fights, he was actually standing unbeaten after all those fiery punch because he was borrowing tomorrow’s health to win his fights.

You are so like the great fighter mentioned above who is borrowing tomorrow’s health. The only difference is that he was doing it for his passion and career and, you are doing it to impress others.

Making wrong investments 

Whatever you do or even if you don’t do anything, you are actually either investing your time, energy or money. There are some people who don’t believe in such investments and we call them lazy.

However, even if you are not lazy and making investment, most of you are doing it wrong.

Think about it.

You are investing your money on a luxury car or fancy phone but you are making excuses to invest your money on venture or a business that you always dreamt off. You are wasting hours on a job that gives you meagre returns and zero satisfaction while you feel lazy to invest even 1 hour on something that you are passionate about. You don’t have time for your parents but you are wasting ample time and energy in a relationship that gives you anxiety and self-hatred.

If you make right investment in terms of money, time, and your life is definitely going to change for the good.

Starting a relationship just for the sake of it 

A lot of people are dying to be in a relationship and even feel miserable when they are not into one. In the world of internet, celebrities, porn and unnecessary media, the people are made to believe that if they are single then they are good for nothing. However, it is not true at all.

People are depressed, anxious and stressed about their relationship status.

If you are one of them, then you need to understand that relationships are a part of life but not life in itself. If for any reason, you are unable to find a partner, then you don’t need to feel bad about it. In fact, you need to build yourself into something exceptional before you actually get into a relationship.

One more thing that you need to understand is that it’s more about the time and circumstances than the person. When the right time comes, you are going to build a beautiful relationship.

So, hang on and wait for the right time. Until then, if people are trying to mock you or feel pity for you, pity them back. “Enjoy your freedom and love yourself”.

Treating failure as a failure

A lot of people treat failure as bad. However, the people who are successful treated failure as a badge of honour. All the people who succeeded and did something great in their life failed in their life many times. If you start reading the biographies of billionaires, successful actors or sports person, you would find something common i.e. failure.

A lot of people are afraid to fail and even feel devastated, once something doesn’t turns out in their favour. You should treat failure as just an experience. You need to learn from it and learn from. You need to use failure as a tool for your future success.

Not expressing yourself and fearing people

A lot of people fear “what others are going to say” which is I believe the most common mistake that you do. There is no point in doing that as whatever you do, people have something to say about it. You time is limited and hence, you need to stop wasting it on people who don’t even bother about you and whose opinion about you changes every moment.

What you actually need to do is follow your instincts and forget about people. You need to express yourself and take risks without fearing anyone or anything. You need to start doing things that would help you to create a life that you actually want without wasting time.

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