Overthinking is making your life worse in so many ways

Overthinking is when you are constantly creating thoughts around a situation, a person, or your circumstances. Your mind is constantly wandering and you can’t stop yourself from doing it. You start with one thought, one person and one situation but it leads to numerous thoughts.

Overthinking is mostly unproductive and you should refrain yourself from doing that. Let us first understand what you are constantly thinking.

Overthinking into the past 

In this type of overthinking, we mostly think about our past experiences and majorly, about the bad ones. We keep thinking about our failures, embarrassments, rejections, the death of a loved one, or any unpleasant situation. We constantly think about these bad experiences and which brings a lot of negativity. We don’t even realize how one thought leads to another leaving us depressed, anxious, and stressed.

Even if the past experiences are good, we compare those experiences with our current happenings which sometimes also lead to a stressed mind.

Pro tip: The best we can do is to leave the past behind and start focusing on our present. We need to use our past experiences to either learn from them or take inspiration. What we should do is to focus on our current relationship, work, and tasks that would eventually help us grow in life.

Overthinking into the present 

In this type of overthinking, we procrastinate taking references from our current situations, circumstances, or people. We create though around our present activities and imagine scenarios that are in our favor. Although, these thoughts have nothing to do with our current situation and lead to no productivity.

Instead of focussing on our current relationships or work, we are procrastinating outcomes that we would like to happen. Such type of overthinking is pretty dangerous as it creates an overwhelming feeling of achieving our tasks and responsibility.

Also, we can’t help but think about unfavorable situations as well which makes us vulnerable to stress, anxiety, and depression. In this way, we are overthinking and imagining every possible outcome that could happen from our current activities, situations, or people around us. However, in reality, we are doing nothing but wasting our time which leads us to nowhere.

Pro tip: Make some short term and long term goals revolving around your work, relationships, travel, or any other aspect of your life. Prepare a list of activities around those long term and short term goals. Once, you do that start working on them immediately and stop overthinking.

Here is how you can feel motivated: Read more

Here is how to avoid stress with breathing exercises: Read more

Overthinking into the future 

In this type of overthinking, we are doing the worst thing. We are wasting our time and productivity on future events or happenings. Your present situation or even your past has nothing to do with those events that might happen in the near future.

We are either scared or anxious about the events that have a high probability of not happening at all in our life. This type of overthinking generally arises when we are lacking something in our present life. If we are not happy with the present or even our past, we start creating thoughts around our future. We even create thoughts around circumstances and situations that might not happen at all.

Pro tip: Instead of cultivating thoughts about our future, we should introspect about our present and see if something is lacking. You need to understand what your mind and body really want. Once, you find out what you are really missing in your life. You need to fill that gap immediately whether it is at work, relationship, or any other aspect of life.

Final words 

Overthinking is not doing any good to us. In fact, it is just wasting our time in futile thoughts and procrastination. What you really need to do is to make sure that focus on your present tasks and responsibilities instead of diverting yourself in unnecessary thoughts. So, next time you start overthinking, just say stop which might just work, and If not try writing the word STOP. Repeat the process until you succeed and thank me later.

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