6 Best ways to move on after break up

All break up are painful. It takes a lot of emotional strength and courage to move on from a break up. Remember, you broke up because something was not working out. You broke up because you were not happy. You broke up because you decided not to settle for something less which is perfectly fine.

Accept the reality of the situation

It is not going to be helpful to deny the reality of the situation that you and your partner are no longer together. There is no point to keep thinking that we should talk it out again and everything would go back to normal. It’s like keeping you in a bubble of fantasy that has nothing to do with reality.

All you need to do is to accept that you are not together and it happened for a reason. You should respect the fate of the relationship and pray for each other’s well being since it is not easy for both of you.

Spend some time alone

When something changes in our lives, we need time to come to terms with it. Acknowledge your pain and try to adjust accordingly. There is no point in ignoring your pain rather feel it and embrace it. To completely get over your pain, first, you need to suffer alone. Don’t go out and tell your problems to everyone that you meet. Initially, it is very important to keep it to yourself.

Break up is the best time to find yourself, your hobbies, and your interest or maybe even something that you forgot to love. Maybe there was something in your childhood that you have now left behind. Maybe there is something that you used to turn to that you have forgotten about. Recreate that, relive that and bring that back into your life with this extra time that you now have.

Don’t chase anyone

If you have to chase someone, that means they don’t want to be with you. Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they really are, believe them the first time. This is your time to chase personal growth, development, your passion, and your purpose.

Chasing someone who doesn’t want you in their life only boosts their ego and you would be left miserable. Instead, try to focus on yourself.

Become productive 

This is your time to chase personal growth, to chase your development, to chase your dreams, your passions, your potential, and your purpose. Don’t chase another person. Don’t let the baggage of break uphold you away from what you deserve.

When you engage yourself in something productive, you feel accomplished by the end of the day. You find yourself in a happy state of mind. Try to focus on your work and make a plan of how you want to succeed in life.

Prepare a list of tasks for the day with a fixed time allotted to each task. Complete those tasks and you are going to feel a lot better. Also, make a not-to-do list of unwanted activities that hinders your productivity.

Start learning something new 

Our happiness is closely linked to how much we are progressing and how much we are learning and how much we are achieving. Start listening to a new podcast, maybe more TED-talks, maybe reading new books. This your time to learn and you should make the best of this time.

 Pay attention to your health 

You feel good about yourself when you are healthy. Your mental health improves significantly when you are physically fit and take care of yourself. Leave all bad habits like smoking, drinking, or doing drugs. Try to eat healthily and exercise regularly.

Being physically fit is by far the easiest way to move on after a break or any other unpleasant situation.

 Learn to talk to yourself and open yourself to someone close

Remember the most important meeting of the day is with you. The most important call is with you. When you are able to interact with yourself, you understand your emotions and navigate your mind; you start to become comfortable alone.

I read a study where men and women were given the option to either spend time alone with their thoughts for fifteen minutes or give themselves an electric shock. Roughly 30 percent of women gave themselves an electric shock.

Have faith and learn to live with intention 

You need to tell yourself that you won’t live with self-pity, frustration, anger, or low confidence. You are much stronger than you could ever imagine. So have faith and have confidence that you would come out of it sooner than later.

Start crafting your life so that anyone you spend time with, anything you spend time doing is done with a deeper intention, understanding why you are doing it, and what purpose it brings into your life.

Read more…

7 Common relationship problems

Use these effective techniques for your peace of mind

9 Signs that you are dealing with childhood trauma


Don’t let the fear of alone making you settle for something less. It is not just being alone that worries us, it is the feeling of being alone that makes us anxious. This is our opportunity to get to know ourselves. If you want someone to fall in love with you, we have to fall in love with ourselves first.

Our biggest mistakes are that we try to know other people’s interest before we actually know our own. We try to learn about everyone else’s favorite color and movie before we know our own. And we learn to know what makes others happy before we learn what makes ourselves happy.


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